Posts Tagged ‘Ninja’

Well, here is “The guy in the Gallente ship”, but he didn’t die. He did however start the fight… kinda.

I warp into these blokes finished mission after probing it out. As I land a Drake and Abaddon that I saw on DSCAN down the gate warps out, leaving only the Brutix behind. The Brutix was not moving. I proceeded to salvage and loot some useless junk in the mission, when the Brutix promptly locks me up and fires. I haven’t ninja’d in such a long time that I actually forgot what my point range was etc. Needless to say I successfully pointed the Brutix, and kept my range while shooting down his drones.

Usually, as soon as I get shot, all the remote reps and the Orca starts making its way to the mission. This time however, I paused, hoping that his friends that just left local, would return to his aid. I kept my range at 20KM, shooting his T1 drones hoping that this could become a lot more fun! He seemed to be Blaster fitted and was missing ‘completely’ 😀

I orbited him for about 2-3minutes when his mates appeared in local. DSCAN revealed that the Abaddon and the Drake with names that I remember from earlier are back in local. It’s only a matter of time now…

First the Abaddon landed in the mission with us at roughly 30 odd KM. He locked up and fired on me as expected and I swapped to point him instead. However, I want to kill all of them! While warping the rest of my squad in I scratch through the loot in my Orca for a second point. The plan would be to swap some mid slot mod for a second point so that I can grab hold of one more while pewing the other. Hopefully this means they all die 🙂

The drake warped in shortly after my orca and scimitar alt and Immediately also shot at me. Now I have a Brutix, Abaddon and Drake aggressing my Merlin. My scimitar is orbitting at range from the Orca now as well, repping the Merlin. I do however have one problem now. I don’t want to lose the merlin, but due to the recent aggression changes, you can not swap to your gank ship from your Orca while you are being shot at. Either by drones or someone’s guns. I have 2 mission boats drones on me and them shooting.

My only alternative would be to launch the Sleipner from the Orca and board it in space. Then I have to jettison the extra point I have and refit that from the Orca. All while the scimitar keeps my merlin alive! This plan proceeds as explained and I manage to point the Abaddon and the Brutix. The drake was a little out of range at the moment.

Now here, the Brutix does the best thing he could have done all day, burn away from me. Eventually he was at such a range that I would have lost point on the Abaddon, ultimately forcing me to return. Obviously the Abaddon is the most expensive thing here and must die. The Brutix eventually warped out in structure, all while the drake decides to come a little closer. Close enough to get into trouble 😀

I check up on my scimitar and see that it was reaching past the half shield mark as they have been firing on him for a while now. Sadly I realized this too late. Remember I’m a little rusty 😛 The merlin however hasn’t died yet, but them shooting at my Logistics has put some pressure on me to get the deed done asap.

I manage to kill the Abaddon and promptly chase after the Drake as my next target. By now my Scimitar was really bleeding badly and I started to align it out to the station. The drake was reaching armor, still shooting at my scimitar when I eventually couldn’t risk the scimitar any longer and warp out the scimitar in 10% armor. At this stage what I also didn’t realize was the drakes drones were still on the merlin resulting in it getting blown up as the scimitar left grid 😦

Moments later the Drake goes p00f. If I had like 5 more seconds I would have been able to keep the merlin alive, but oh well.

 In the end, a Merlin for a Abaddon and a Drake is not that bad. And considering I was a little rusty too, the smile afterwards made it worth it 🙂

The killmails/battle report:


As most of those reading ninja themed blogs should have realized by now is that most of us are noticing a sharp decline in the “shooty mission runner” type. A lot of speculation goes around the reason why too. But, sadly there is no sure fact to prove anything. The best we can do really is hope that it would simply pick up again…

Don’t let this decline in a more traditional method of extracting tears get your hopes down though. Many people have some clever ways of getting the entertainment they want out of EVE 😛  Bearing that in mind, I finally got around to getting my hands dirty with some corporation infiltration.

To be honest, it wasn’t that hard really. My method of finding a target I think was rather unique too 😛 So one day I’m bored as heck and decide to start scanning for a wormhole. The initial idea was to find some dude making a mistake, maybe not checking DSCAN and then getting relieved of whatever he is piloting as punishment 🙂

Turns out that the first wormhole I scan out is a Class 1… with 2 caps on dscan… Immediately I knew that these guys are here to stay 😀  Quickly I probe down all the sites in the hole and start the waiting game. Both the Thanatos and Chimera were just floating in the POS. It was not long though after I have finished probing the hole that some activity started to stir. They piloted the 2 caps and a Ferox and warped from the one anomaly to the other. I am in a cloaky Loki at the moment and after seeing the amount of drones they had there (refer to the pic) I decided I will wait it out and see what happens. Maybe I could just pop the salvager at the end and claim some easy profits 😛

But no, they guarded the Noctis that came to cleanup pretty well haha. During this time it struck me, I need to get into this corporation and kill these caps. Yes! That is what I must do. “/emote evil laugh muhaha”

I got an alt ready and made initial contact. Spun them some story about me being lonely miner needing friends and what not. They took a while to get me into the corporation but alas I got in. I was not asked for any API. Not once did I talk about the wormhole during recruitment though. Before I left the class 1 hole I got myself another alt inside the wormhole as a way to scan myself out. So this way I could get in and out without legitimately them even knowing that I know about the wormhole. I might have to add here that this is a highsec mining corporation and they are very hush-hush about the wormhole.

I have been in the corporation for 2 weeks, and after watching their activity times I took a change to go and peek in the wormhole to see what there is for me 🙂 They have logged out toons in the Capitals now so that is not my target. But an easy raid sounds good to me? I took my scanning-alt and scanned the new highsec, moved my main toon into the hole and watched. Once the hole was clear, I contracted over the bookmarks and made my first entrance into the wormhole:

Excuse the blanking out of the names, but so  many of them were not even renamed it shocking. Also, this screenie was actually taken during the heist and is missing some of the ships that we have already taken out. So anyways. I return home and decide that I will hit the coming weekend once they all have logged off. I also quickly browsed around the hangars and saw there are some nice items that I could grab there too! A quick estimate was say roughly 2/3 Bil worth of stuff. Not exactly a gold mine, but also not bad for my first time.

The week went by where I was not very active anyways when finally the Friday came! The planned time for this was like 12am local time. From the activity that I have seen, this is the time most of them have logged off. Essentially, the only guys I really want out-of-the-way are the ones that live in the wormhole. I had a few of the WCS guys ready too to help me out.

The plan was simple. Once they all logged out, I will enter the wormhole (which I scanned out earlier that day and got ready), warp to the POS and launch and bump the ships out of the shield. Then I will have someone in a POD that can fly the hull warp to me, board the ship and dock it up in empire. Easy. But there were a few complications. Firstly, the toon I am using is terrible in flying anything competent, so 90% of the ships had to be launched and bumped. What did I have to use for this? A MWD Fitted Omen :((( This had a major time factor to it. Secondly, the POS is hostile, so anything with a really long align time (or a pilot making  a mistake) could cost us getting blown up. Not that this really matters as it’s not our ships, but it would connect our names to this.

When the time finally came I proceeded as planned and launched the first Tengu. Once it was bumped out I flew to my alt, boarded the ship and warped to the best aligned celestial. Moments later a corpmate logs in!!! I did not have him on my watch list so I only realized this when I had already warped off with the tengu and was  MWD-ing back to the SMA. In vain I warp the Omen out and wait for the suspicion to rise in corp.

Like 5 minutes pass without a word being said in corp, and the corp mate logs off… Ok? I guess he didn’t notice? I hope. Everyone returned to their positions and we resumed. I bumped the 2nd tengu out and it gets transported safely. Upon launching the Broadsword, another corpmate logs in. This time I have him on my contacts list and noticed it immediately. I let go of everything and warp out as soon as possible. I was watching the POS with my main in the loki and saw that I had successfully warped off the Omen before he landed in the POS. PHEW.

Immediately he asks if the owner of the Broadsword had logged in. I play a little afk game and when I came “back”, claimed to know nothing.

[ 2012.05.11 20:57:09 ] [corpie] > for some reason [redacted]’s ship has been
abandoned in the middle of the WH.. but online members says hes not been on =/
[ 2012.05.11 20:57:16 ] [corpie] > odd
[ 2012.05.11 20:57:44 ] [me] > oh I was about to say i dont recall anyone looking
for you
[ 2012.05.11 20:58:50 ] [corpie] > just odd that its been left there is all, i
dunno anyone else who can fly it to have left it there either
[ 2012.05.11 21:00:19 ] [me] > hmm. i dont recall seeing a person by that name.
though I might have missed him
[ 2012.05.11 21:00:45 ] [corpie] > members list says hes not been on since last
week either
[ 2012.05.11 21:01:18 ] [me] > lol well then I dont know
[ 2012.05.11 21:01:43 ] [corpie] > niether do i 😛
[ 2012.05.11 21:02:02 ] [me] > hah
[ 2012.05.11 21:02:05 ] [corpie] > nvm 64 days training before i can put it back
in the hangar so nothing i can do about it
[ 2012.05.11 21:02:15 ] [corpie] > ill catch ya later

He logged shortly after that. I waited a good 20minutes just to make sure he doesn’t try to Ninja log in to try to catch me red handed. That didn’t happen.

From here it was pretty smooth sailing along the way. All the ships and items I wanted made it out of the wormhole, except what I thought was retreivers was in fact a mixture between covetors and retreivers. These ships mass’ was too much for the wormhole, so we decided to self destruct all of them 😀 Because I was able to fly them all out to a safe to get blown up this went rather fast.

The fireworks ended our evening and as we were all tired we called it a night. I moved the infiltration alt way back to the corporations home to try to minimize the suspicion.

The next day it was time to count up the totals. The heist netted me the following:

  • 4 Fitted Drake
    • One drake was T2 Ancillary Rigged with Dread Guiristas CPU mods and T2 Gang Assist modules
  • 7 Fitted Ferox
  • 5 Fitted Naga
  • 4 Fitted Buzzard
  • 2 Fitted Helios
    • 1 Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
  • 2 Fitted Viator
  • 2 Iteron Mark III
  • 1 Manticore
  • 1 Broadsword
    • 2 x B-type Active Resist modules totaling about 150million
  • 2 Tengus
    • 1 T2 Resist rigged.
  • Random loot and salvage

All the ships were stripped and hauled to Jita to sell. In total the profits from the heist netted 4 Billion ISK.

Now, here comes the really strange and funny part… This happened a week ago. I am still in this corporation. No mails have been sent out regarding a ‘thief’. No tears. Nothing 😦 I have liberated 4 Billion ISK, and that did not get me ONE tear. Not even one. In fact, when I log in, I am invited to join the guys in missions etc. HUH.

The one player that actually lives in this wormhole has logged in multiple times, and never has he said anything remotely regarding the missing ships/mods. He didn’t even ask about the Broadsword…

Maybe I’ll come back for round two sooner that I thought.

Quick post here.

Sitting at work catching up on some EVE related Reddit had me stumble across this:

I’m not entirely sure what to make of all of this yet. Getting flagged as a “suspect” to practically everyone (for 15minutes or is that changing too?) can be a good thing and a bad thing. Obviously, a change like this will be a direct impact on the ninja / canflipping community. I just can’t decide yet if it will be a positive or negative one… Let me not make any comments about this yet, instead, I’ll link two images from the thread:

Well… drat :/

I’ve also heard rumors about CCP ‘stealth nerfing’ lowsec ratting making the grind from -10 even more tedious. If this is the kind of thing that concerns you, make an effort and read the whole thread.

What do you think about all this?

